Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Deadly Bloggers Challenge

Yesterday I talked about NAIDOC posts by Anita Heiss and BlondeInk. Inspired by my daily interviews on ABC's Radio NAIDOC this week, I put out a challenge to all the deadly bloggers for a NAIDOC post. I'm happy to report that I have a few new posts to report.

Today, Lluwannee George, whose Tumblr blog normally features beautiful images of black bodies, and black fashion,  Martin Hodgson and Luke Pearson reflect on the 2012 NAIDOC theme -"The Spirit of the Tent Embassy: 40 years on" . Martin's blog - 1 Deadly Nation and Lulu George's blog Oohmisslulu, provides links to the official NAIDOC website, while Luke Pearson at his Aboriginal Oz blog provides a more in-depth reflection about NAIDOC, the theme and whether we're celebrating, commemorating and protesting simultaneously. 

Why have your own blog?
One of the great things about having one's own blog, is that it's an opportunity to create your own space. Unlike Facebook or Twitter, a blog allows you to create an dynamic archive of your life, your ideas and your interests. Facebook allows you to express your opinion in a status update, but it makes those updates hard to find later on. You have to keep scrolling down to look for old posts. You have little control over what your Facebook Profile or Page looks like. And what happens to posts you made years ago? On your own blog however you can label and tag your posts, group them together to make them searchable. You can theme your blog with the colours and images you choose. And your content, YOUR archive, doesn't have to be lost or hidden.

This tweet yesterday from Luke Pearson reminded me of how content on a blog can be useful and meaningful months and years later after it's original posting.

Still on the hunt for more Deadly Bloggers interested in taking the Deadly Blogging Challenge this week. Can't wait to share more!

Find out what is happening in your local area for NAIDOC Week.

Find out what people are yarning about on Twitter, use the #NAIDOC or #NAIDOCBlogs

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