If you would like to participate, some things to consider,
- Remember, posts don't have to be text. They can be also be images, video, music etc
- Give your posts the #DB13 hashtag (Deadly Bloggers 2013), at least on Twitter, so we can share it more easily
- Visit other deadly blogs and add a comment or two - share the love and it will be share with you
- I've repeated some of the topics so that you can create a number of posts using the same label
Suggested topics
Here are my suggested topics for this challenge. Note, some are "serious" while others are a bit fun. And hopefully they're broad enough to fit as many people as possible.
Here are the topics (52 topics for 52 weeks) -
1. hope & inspiration
2. summer
3. freedom
4. work & play
5. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
6. contribution
7. food for thought
8. relationships
9. work & play
10. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
11. language
12. work & play
13. celebrations
14. learning
15. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
16. living
17. work & play
18. love
19. the past
20. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
21. weekend/s
22. hope & inspiration
23. friendship
24. food for thought
25. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
27. inspiration
28. winter
29. work & play
30. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
31. living
32. celebrations
33. health
34. work & play
35. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
36. make
37. success
38. travel
39. old & new
40. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
41 politics
42. spring
43. rise
44. work & play
45. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
46. summer
47. culture
48. work & play
49. success
50. favourite/s - book/ movie/ music
51. hope & inspiration
52. 2013 &/or 2014
Note: You may not want to participate in the challenge as your site may be a business or brand blog, and not personal. Don't worry, feel free to share something on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram etc. jut make sure you use the hashtag #DB13.
Hope you like the challenge idea. Sorry it's come two days into 2013. Gotta go! I have a blog post to write!
Cheers, Leesa